Possum spotting
Kate Here:When we were camped beside Lake Tinaroo Mum saw an leaflet about a guy called “Alan” who did possom spotting at night. We all thought it would be good fun and also Mum and Dad had gone possom spotting here 18 years ago and said it was very good. I have always wanted to see wild possoms in the rain forest. So at about 4pm we all went to Nick's Swish and Italian restaurant for tea. Because we were going to get picked up in the car park there. Nick is a very jolly man with a black moustache and beard. He is very nice and he plays the acordian. So every night he gets out a basket of silly hats and goes around and gives every person who is having there meal a funny hat. Dad had a PURPLE FURRY one. Jack and I had Jesters Hats with bells on it. Mum had an elves hat. We were also all given a musical instramint. Dad had a piece of wood curved round to make a circle and a wire through it with old beer tops on it. Jack had maracas, I had cimbals and Mum had a bell shaker. That was all fun because Nick started to play the acordian and we all joined in. After that (We had had our meal before) We got picked up by Alan and we drove 2 mins out of town to the rain forest. When we got there Alan gave us all binoculars and big torches. He said to me “Try the torch” So I put the torch on and looked up into the tree and there was a Possum sitting eating a leaf not far away. It was a Coppery brush tail Possum. They are very cute possoms. Baby possoms don't go in a pouch They stay on there mums back. In the end we saw 17 Copperys, 2 Common Brushtails, 7 Green Ringtails, 2 Northen Brown Bandicoots and 1 leaf tailed gecko. A leaf tailed Gecko is probley the best camaflash animal I have ever seen in my Life! So altogether we saw 30 animals. It was great fun. We all saw possoms and other animals.
The next day we went to look for Platypus. If you want to see platypus it is early or late. We went about 5 o'clock. At first all we saw was a turtle. But when we were going on further along there was a female platypus looking for food. It was about 30cm long it was all black and so small and cute. We stayed about 5 to 10 mins and then left. Further along you had to cross the river on crossing stones. On the other side we were be side a telephone wire and I saw something walk across it so I shone the torch on it and it was a green ring tailed possom it stopped and looked at us and we took a few pictures of it. Then suddenly there was a big splash down by the water Jack and I ran down and saw a big male Platypus dive under and it was about 50cm long. It was getting dark so we went back to the camper.
Jack here
When we were in Yungaburra we went Possum spotting with Alan and we saw lots of them. Before we went Possum spotting we were in Nicks Swiss-Italian Restaurant and I had a lovely Carbonara. When we getting set up with Alan outside the Rainforest he show Kate how to work the torch and at the end of the beam there was a Possum! After he had showed us what we were looking for we went into the rainforest and the first thing we saw was a Leaf-Tailed Gecko and Alan said it had just grown its third tail. The Gecko looks the same colour as the tree and it was hard to see. We kept on walking and we saw a Coppery Brush-Tail with a joey. The next possum we saw was a Green Ring-Tail and it was carrying its joey on its back! We walked past a farm and there were lots of Copperys and a few Common Brush-Tails. We also saw some bats. On the way back we unfortunately didn't see any Tree Kangaroos but we did see 17 Coppery Brush-Tails, 7 Green Ring-Tails and 4 Common Brush-Tails!
Tree Kangaroos are kangaroos with strong fore arms and shorter noses because they eat leaves and not grass. They also have brown and black coat.
Coppery Brush-Tails have a coppery coat, a bushy tail and a pointy ears.
Green Ring-Tails have a gray-green coat and when they stop they curl up they tails!
Common Brush-Tails have a gray coat, pink noses but are mostly the same to Copperys.
We are now camped on the coast and we went kayaking round Snapper Island that has rainforest and coral beaches.
great pics, where's the one of your dad in his hat. sounds like your having a great time. colin
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